How to Install Internet Speed Test PHP Script

 Upload Files to Server:

Upload the extracted files to your web server using FTP or any file manager provided by your hosting service.

Configure the Script:

Open the config.php file in a text editor.

Customize the following settings as needed:

      • site_title: Set the title of your site.
      • servers: Add URLs to large files for download speed testing.
      • ping_server: Set a URL that will respond to a simple GET request for ping testing.
      • upload_size: Set the size of the file to upload for upload speed testing.
      • parallel_connections: Set the number of parallel connections for speed testing.
      • test_rounds: Set the number of test rounds.
      • speed_messages: Customize the messages displayed based on the speed test results.
      • footer_links: Add links for the footer section.
      • button_color: Choose the color of the buttons (blue, red, or black).
      • ad_code: Add your ad code for monetization.
  • Ensure PHP Settings:

    • Make sure your PHP settings allow for large file uploads. You may need to adjust the php.ini file:
      upload_max_filesize = 20M post_max_size = 20M
  • Access the Script:

    • Open your web browser and navigate to the URL where you uploaded the script (e.g.,
  • Installation Instructions for Sendy Auto Campaign WordPress Plugin

    Upload the Plugin to Your WordPress Site:Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
    Navigate to the Plugins > Add New page.
    Click on the "Upload Plugin" button.
    Choose the plugin zip file you downloaded and click "Install Now."

    Activate the Plugin:After the installation is complete, click on the "Activate Plugin" link.

    Set Up Sendy API Key and Other Settings:Once activated, go to Settings > Sendy Settings in your WordPress admin dashboard.
    Enter your Sendy API Key, List ID, Sendy URL, Sender Email, Reply To Email, and Sender Name in the respective fields.
    Click on the "Save Changes" button to save your settings.

    Add Sendy Campaign Options to Posts:When creating or editing a post, you will now see a meta box labeled "Sendy Campaign Options" on the right-hand side.
    Check the box labeled "Disable sending this post to Sendy" if you want to exclude the post from being sent as a Sendy campaign.

    Save Changes:After making any changes, remember to click on the "Update" button to save your post settings.

    Configure Email Sending Frequency (Optional):If you want to configure the email sending frequency, you can do so by selecting the desired option (immediate, daily summary, or weekly summary) in the Sendy Settings page under "Send Frequency."

    Test Your Setup:Create a new post or update an existing one to trigger the Sendy campaign sending process.
    Verify that the post is sent as a Sendy campaign according to your settings.

    Troubleshooting (if necessary):If you encounter any issues during installation or setup, refer to the plugin documentation or seek support from the plugin developer.

    Enjoy Using Sendy Auto Campaign Plugin:Once set up, the Sendy Auto Campaign Plugin will automatically send new posts as Sendy campaigns according to your configured settings.

    That's it! You have successfully installed and configured the Sendy Auto Campaign Plugin on your WordPress site.

    Install Free Image Search Engine


    This guide will walk you through the process of uploading and installing a PHP script to your web server. By the end of this guide, you should have your PHP script successfully installed and configured.


    • A web hosting account that supports PHP.
    • FTP access to your web server or a web-based file manager provided by your hosting provider.
    • A zipped file containing your PHP script.
    • A text editor (like Notepad for Windows, TextEdit for macOS, or any code editor).

    Server Requirements

    • PHP Version: PHP 7.2 or higher is recommended. The script utilizes modern PHP features and syntax that may not be compatible with older versions.
    • cURL: Enabled cURL is required for making API requests to the image providers. cURL is a library that allows you to connect and communicate with different types of servers with many different types of protocols.
    • JSON Support: Since responses from the APIs are typically in JSON format, your PHP installation must support JSON parsing.
    • GD Library (Optional): For image processing features such as resizing or watermarking, the GD Library should be installed and enabled. This is optional and only needed if you plan to manipulate images directly within your script.
    • htaccess Support (for Apache): If you're using Apache, ensure that .htaccess files are enabled through the AllowOverride All directive for your site directory. This is useful for URL rewrites and redirects.
    • Apache or Nginx: Both are suitable, but ensure your server is configured to handle PHP files and rewrite rules if you're using friendly URLs

    API Requirements

    API Keys: You'll need to register and obtain API keys from Dreamstime, Pexels, and Pixabay. These keys allow your script to authenticate and retrieve images from these services.

    Step-by-step Guide

    1. Uploading the PHP Script to Your Web Server:
    Using FTP:

    Launch your FTP client (e.g., FileZilla, Cyberduck).
    Connect to your web server using the credentials provided by your hosting provider.
    Navigate to the directory where you'd like to install the PHP script.
    Upload the zipped file containing your PHP script to this directory.

    Using a Web-based File Manager:

    Log into your web hosting control panel.
    Navigate to the file manager.
    Go to the directory where you'd like to install the PHP script.
    Use the "Upload" option to upload the zipped file.
    2. Unzipping the Files:
    Using FTP: Most FTP clients do not support unzipping files directly on the server. You'd need to unzip the file on your computer and then re-upload the extracted files to your server.

    Locate and open the site-config.php file.

    Make the following changes:

    1. Site Name:

    $site_name = "Your Site Name";

    Here, you need to replace "Your Site Name" with the actual name you'd like to display for your website.

    For instance, if your website's name is "My Cool Website", then you'd edit it as:

    $site_name = "My Cool Website";

    2. Ad Code:

    $ad_code = "
        <!-- Your Ad Code Here -->

    If you have any advertisement code you'd like to integrate into your website (e.g., Google AdSense code, or any other ad network code), replace <!-- Your Ad Code Here --> with that ad code.

    3. Google Analytics:

    $google_analytics_code = "
        <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
        <script async src=''></script>
    Replace YOUR-GA-MEASUREMENT-ID in both places with your actual Google Analytics Measurement ID. This ID usually starts with UA- followed by a series of numbers.

    4. Google reCAPTCHA Keys:

    $recaptcha_site_key = "6Lcq51YfAAAAAFmL9Ov2U-DEkXLYkLvohkzUf9F2";
    $recaptcha_secret_key = "6Lcq51YfAAAAAISuJtib6QvBkl5_1vLRUwAKOuWl";

    Replace the placeholder values with the actual reCAPTCHA keys you get from the Google reCAPTCHA website.

    5. Social Media Links:

    Replace the placeholder URLs with your actual social media profile URLs:

    $facebook_link = "";
    $twitter_link = "";
    //... and so on.

    Replace the placeholder values with your actual affiliate IDs provided by Pixabay, Pexals and Dreamstime.

    6. API Keys:

    // API Keys
    $PIXABAY_API_KEY = "42344202-ba7ddkjsd9834jkld72bf33";
    define('DREAMSTIME_USERNAME', 'username');
    define('DREAMSTIME_PASSWORD', '234424asdkjl32904s40ed6af87d');
    define('PEXELS_API_KEY', '36TIIESLivSsldfjkKLsdfesf39Lics5Cflbmof');

    Replace the above placeholders with the actual API keys you receive from these services. You can find some links to the services so you can sign up for an account and generate your own unique affiliate IDs.

    Wrapping Up

    You've now successfully uploaded, extracted, and configured your PHP script on your web server. It's essential to test the functionality of the script to ensure everything works as expected. Navigate to the URL where you uploaded the script and test the features.

    Note: Always keep your API keys and sensitive information confidential. Sharing this document with others might expose important credentials. Regularly back up your configurations and consider encrypting sensitive information for added security.

    User Instructions for Uploading and Setting Up the Word Cloud Generator


    Before you begin, ensure you have:

    • Access to your web hosting control panel or FTP client.
    • A modern web browser to test the installation.

    Step 1: Download the Package

    Download the word cloud generator package provided by Curious Penguins. This package should contain all necessary files, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP files, organized in a specific folder structure.

    Step 2: Extract the Package

    If the package is compressed (e.g., ZIP file), extract it on your computer. You should see the project structure as described by the developer, typically including directories like /css, /js, /includes, and a few root files like index.php.

    Step 3: Upload to Your Server

    Connect to your web hosting server using an FTP client (like FileZilla) or the file manager provided in your hosting control panel.

    Navigate to the root directory or the specific directory where you want to install the word cloud generator. This might be the public_html or www folder, depending on your hosting setup.

    Upload all extracted files and directories to your server. Ensure the folder structure is preserved during upload.

    Step 4: Verify the Installation

    Open a web browser and navigate to the URL where you uploaded the word cloud generator. For example, if you uploaded it to the root of your domain, visit If you placed it in a subdirectory, adjust the URL accordingly, e.g.,

    The word cloud generator page should load, displaying the input form or interface as described by the developer.

    Step 5: Test the Functionality

    Enter the required input to generate a word cloud and test other functionalities like theme selection, word padding adjustment, and file downloads (PNG, SVG, etc.).

    If any feature does not work as expected, double-check the upload process to ensure all files were correctly transferred and no step was missed in the configuration.


    Page Not Found: Ensure you're visiting the correct URL and that all files were uploaded to the right directory.

    Features Not Working: Check for missing files or incorrect permissions. File permissions should typically be set to 644 for files and 755 for directories.

    PHP Errors: Verify your server meets the PHP version requirement and that you've configured any necessary settings in the PHP files.

    Getting Help

    If you encounter issues you can't resolve, contact the Curious Penguins here. Be ready to provide details about your hosting environment, the steps you've taken, and any error messages you're seeing.

    Word Cloud Generator Changelog


    • initial release

    Install the ChatBot Script



    This guide will walk you through the process of uploading and installing the ChatBot PHP script to your web server. By the end of this guide, you should have your PHP script successfully installed and configured.


    • A web hosting account that supports PHP.
    • FTP access to your web server or a web-based file manager provided by your hosting provider.
    • A zipped file containing your PHP script.
    • A text editor (like Notepad for Windows, TextEdit for macOS, or any code editor).


    Most of these should be included in any hosting service. We have tested the script on various Linux hosting environments and it should also work on a Windows server,
    • PHP 7.4 or higher.
    • Curl enabled for PHP.
    • Server with PHP sessions support.

    APIs and Affiliate Accounts

    • Open AI API Key

    Step-by-step Guide

    1. Uploading the PHP Script to Your Web Server:
    Using FTP:

    Launch your FTP client (e.g., FileZilla, Cyberduck).
    Connect to your web server using the credentials provided by your hosting provider.
    Navigate to the directory where you'd like to install the PHP script.
    Upload the zipped file containing your PHP script to this directory.

    Using a Web-based File Manager:

    Log into your web hosting control panel.
    Navigate to the file manager.
    Go to the directory where you'd like to install the PHP script.
    Use the "Upload" option to upload the zipped file.
    2. Unzipping the Files:
    Using FTP: Most FTP clients do not support unzipping files directly on the server. You'd need to unzip the file on your computer and then re-upload the extracted files to your server.

    Locate and open the site-config.php file.

    Make the following changes:

    1. Open AI API key:

    $OPENAI_API_KEY = "############";
    Replace the above placeholders with the actual API keys you receive from Open AI.

    For instance, if your API key is "sk-ABr454455VYZVyZ", then you'd edit it as:

    $OPENAI_API_KEY = "sk-ABr454455VYZVyZ";

    2. Ad Code:

    $ad_code = "
        <!-- Your Ad Code Here -->

    If you have any advertisement code you'd like to integrate into your website (e.g., Google AdSense code, or any other ad network code), replace <!-- Your Ad Code Here --> with that ad code.

    Wrapping Up

    You've now successfully uploaded, extracted, and configured your PHP script on your web server. It's essential to test the functionality of the script to ensure everything works as expected. Navigate to the URL where you uploaded the script and test the features.

    Note: Always keep your API keys and sensitive information confidential. Sharing this document with others might expose important credentials. Regularly back up your configurations and consider encrypting sensitive information for added security.

    Installation and Configuration Guide for Mail Validator Script

    This document provides instructions on how to install and configure the Mail Validator PHP script. The script is designed to validate email addresses and uses various APIs and services. The configuration for these services and other site settings are managed through the site-config.php file.

    Configuration File (site-config.php)

    The site-config.php file contains essential configuration settings for the Mail Validator script. You can find this file in the includes folder. Below is a breakdown of each variable in the file and instructions on how to modify them.

    Site Path and URL

    This variable defines the absolute path to the script on your server and the domain you wish to use the script on. 


    $sitepath = "/path/to/mail-validator";
    $domainURL = '';

    Google AdSense

    $adsenseID: If you want to display Google AdSense ads, provide your AdSense Publisher ID here.

    Google reCAPTCHA Keys

    To begin, you need a Google account. If you don’t have one, create it at Google Accounts.

    Visit the Google reCAPTCHA website and click on the “Admin Console” button, usually located in the top right corner. You'll be prompted to sign in with your Google account if you haven't already.

    Once in the Admin Console, you'll see an option to register a new site. Click on “+” or “Register a new site.”
    Step 4: Choose reCAPTCHA Type: reCAPTCHA v2: This version asks users to complete a challenge, like identifying objects in images and select "I'm not a robot" tickbox.

    Add your website's domain (e.g., This is to ensure that the reCAPTCHA key is only used for your website. Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service. Optionally, you can choose to receive alerts about your reCAPTCHA service (recommended).

    $recaptcha_site_key and $recaptcha_secret_key: These are your site's keys for Google reCAPTCHA. Add them to your site-config.php file with your own keys obtained from Google.

    Stripe Payments

    If you don't already have a Stripe account, you need to create one. Go to the Stripe website and sign up for an account. Follow the registration process, which includes providing your email, creating a password, and then filling in details about your business.

    Once your account is set up and you've logged in, you will be taken to the Stripe Dashboard. This is the central place where you can manage your Stripe account, view transactions, manage payments, etc. In the Stripe Dashboard, navigate to the "Developers" section. You can find this in the sidebar menu or sometimes at the top of the dashboard.

    Under the "Developers" section, click on "API keys." Here you will find your API keys.
    There are two types of keys: Publishable Key and Secret Key. The publishable key is used in front-end (client-side) requests, while the secret key is used for server-side requests.

    $stripe_key: This is your secret API key for Stripe. It is used for processing payments.

    $stripe_key = "your-stripe-secret-key";

    Pricing for Email Validations

    You can set your own prices for how much bulk validations will cost.

    $price100, $price300, $price1000: These variables define the prices for 100, 300, and 1000 email validations, respectively. Prices should be in cents.

    Understanding the Tokens File Format

    In your tokens.txt file, each line represents a token and its associated value or usage limit. The format appears to be token,limit, where:

    • token: This is a unique identifier or code that represents the token.
    • limit: This is an integer that represents the limit or value associated with the token, such as the number of validations or uses that the token allows.

    Valid Tokens: A standard entry for a valid token looks like token500,500. In this example, token500 is the token, and 500 is the limit or number of uses assigned to it.

    Commented Tokens: Lines beginning with # are treated as comments. For example, #token2,500 is a commented line and is typically ignored by the script. This can be used to deactivate tokens without deleting them. Once a token is fully used the script will automatically add a # to deactivate the token. 

    How Tokens are Used
    When a user inputs a token into your system, the system checks this tokens.txt file to find a matching token. If a match is found, the system then checks the associated limit. For example, if the token is token11 with a limit of 1, the system allows whatever service or validation the token is meant to permit once.

    After a token is used, the system may decrement the limit in the file, indicating that one use has been consumed. For a token with a limit of 1, this means it can't be used again.

    Managing Tokens
    Adding Tokens: To add a new token, simply add a new line with the token and its limit. For example, adding newtoken,100 allows newtoken to be used 100 times.

    Removing Tokens: To remove a token, delete its line from the file, or comment it out by adding # at the beginning of the line.

    Modifying Tokens: To change a token's limit, edit the number after the comma. Be cautious when increasing limits on existing tokens to avoid unauthorized excess usage.

    Bulk Email Checker API Key

    This is the API key for Bulk Email Checker, a service used for email validation. You can sign up for a free account here. Once signed up you can purchase a token pack of validations. 1000 validations can be purchased for $2.95. 

    Upload Files: Upload the script files to your web server.
    Configure site-config.php: Modify the site-config.php file with your specific configuration settings as described above.

    Test the Script: Access the script via your web browser to ensure that it is correctly configured and functioning.

    Setting Up Cron Jobs

    Once logged into cPanel, scroll down to the “Advanced” section, or use the search bar to find the “Cron Jobs” tool.

    Click on “Cron Jobs” to open the cron job management area.

    Set up a New Cron Job

    In the Cron Jobs section, you’ll find an area to add a new cron job.

    Adding the Cron Job for Deleting Old Files

    Common Settings: Select a common setting if applicable (e.g., “Once a day” for a daily task). Alternatively, set the time and frequency manually. For daily execution at 1 AM, set Minute to 0, Hour to 1, and leave Day, Month, and Weekday as *.

    Command: Enter the command to run your script. It should look like this:

    /usr/bin/php -q /home/www/

    Repeat the same steps for the processing script. If it needs to run every hour, set Minute to 0 and leave the rest as *.

    /usr/bin/php -q /home/www/

    This simple guide should assist you in setting up the necessary cron jobs for your Mail Validator script. Regularly monitor your cron jobs and logs to ensure they are executing as expected.

    Unix/Linux File Permissions

    No Permissions for Others: To maintain security, other users (group and others) should not have any permissions on this file. This prevents unauthorized reading or altering of the token data and config file.

    Setting Permissions: A common and secure permission setting for such a file is 600 (read and write permissions for the owner only). You can set this using the chmod command or by modifying the permissions of these files in the file manager.

    The two files that need permission changes to 600:
    • site-congif.php
    • tokens.txt


    If you encounter issues, check your server logs for errors.
    Ensure that all API keys and URLs are correctly entered and valid.